#genshin rex lapis

Y'all sleeping on the Madame Ping being an adepti...

Quality Time...

I just wrote 2k words of zhongli remembering guizhong and I hurt myself ?✌ anyway it'll be up soon stay tuned....

Zhongli: What kind of tea is this? Venti: Oh I just boiled some gatorade...

Childe: Would you take a bullet for me? Zhongli: I'd take a bullet for anything at this point....

I've noticed a small pattern so to say,when it comes to the archons that existed in each region. We have monstadt ,We ...

Zhongli: good question, Childe! Childe: thank you! Childe, to Lumine: how come you don't point out when I ask ...

Xiao: I hate when people try to tell me what to do like for example, the other day Rex Lapis and Lumine were telling me to '...