Y'all sleeping on the Madame Ping being an adepti

Y'all sleeping on the Madame Ping being an adepti

Look, I’m not saying wholesome grandma who listens to the others whining about their lives- but wholesome granny Ping.

  • like the Cloud Retainer being salty about Ningguang building the Jade Chamber?
  • here dear, have some chamomile tea
  • “Have you considered that she might be unaware of one’s, ahem, SECRET abode? Maybe she didn’t meant to offend you?”
  • “oh my, seems like the Moon Carver haven’t had any offerings lately, perhaps I should offer one some tea”
  • “Rex Lapis, please take a seat, have you considered trying to act more like a human than a walking history book? you know, just a little, maybe tone down talking about events that happend over a thousand years ago in such a great detail? Maybe focus on more present-time history??”
  • Ganyu overworking herself? Let me send an urgent summon for her, one adepti to another
  • What do you mean a tea party ain’t urgent? Of course it is.