#Genshin Impact spoilers

Lantern Rite Cutscene 
Needed to share Rex Lapis outfit because he looks so good!!🫣
I hope we'll have a Zhongli skin

hey so apparently the alberich clan isnt royal… rip to my prince kaeya theory ig...

golden apple archipelago event spoilers: they have GOT to stop making it so that previous events are assumed canon ...

Spoilers from the Traveller Archon Quest 2 Having thoughts about Abyss Aether Like, the Abyss Twin wanting to save Khaenri'ah'...

trying to explain what exactly about genshin's story has me in a death-grip is interesting cuz on a surface level the game is ...

of all the genshin lore theories i've seen i've never seen anyone bring up this really intriguing design thing: the ...

if you, like me, like getting lost for hours in overthinking about videogame lore, here is a part from a series on genshin i’...

so this is how it happened, right?...

venti is a trickster god....

paimon: hmm maybe we shouldn't tell xinyan what childe did in childe: hmm maybe I should tell the ...

Zhongli: ... Zhongli: I cannot say. Paimon: Why!? You can't even give us a thread of information? This is so important ...

No but, Zhongli gatekept his most prominent rival, Osial, on the ocean, gaslighted everyone in Liyue with his faked death ...

Me: Baal seems so terrible, I can't believe she killed Kazuha's friend and oppresses the people she's meant to protect, I don'...


honestly quite obsessed with how childes english va captured his "im just a fun guy!" voice vs "ive revealed to you that i ...

Archon Quest fiasco's existence makes more sense to us before 's release: Housing System: The Traveler knew their twin ...

if kaeya ends up being an antagonist i will simply just let him do his thing like rip to mondstadt but tbh the archons ...

. So we really just left that corrupted statue and after we said we were gonna destroy ...

traveler and paimon are surprisingly optimistic after coming face to face with their long lost sibling and realizing ...

I imagine Liyue and Mondstadt were basically being held hostage by and that's why Venti and Zhongli participated ...

i’ll be perfectly honest, english voiceover for the abyss herald sounds like someone trying too hard to do the batman voice...

Spoilers for Genshin, I think? Ok so you know when you get get to Liyue Harbor, and you go to see the annual ceremony thingy,......

Barbatos is really like "if you can't cope with the loss of your best friend, become your best friend" 😳...

Barbatos: *flirts with Morax as a joke, * Morax: *doesn't realize for thousands of years*...