I've noticed a small pattern so to say,when it comes to the archons that existed in each region. We have monstadt ,We

I’ve noticed a small pattern so to say,when it comes to the archons that existed in each region.

We have monstadt ,We had Decarabian the god of storms,And Barbatos/Venti,who although had started as a wind spirit ,they ascended to archon status and became the god of the wind.

What do these two have in common other than the fact that they both resided in Monstadt,and are both archons?The fact that they’re both related to the Anemo element,Barbatos being the god of said element,And Decarabian being the god of storms,which obviously relate to wind.

Now this might seem like I’m just stating the obvious, but let’s go look at Liyue.

The archons that were confirmed to reside in Liyue are Rex lapis/Morax/Zhongli the god of earth/geo , Guizhong the goddess of Dust,and Harvia the goddess of salt.

All of these elements relate to the geo element,with Dust being just small rocks and such,and Salt being also a type of rock.

Now you might say “But the overlord of Vortex,Osial has water related powers” which I suppose is actually a bit of a hole in this Theory,but you can argue that since we have no idea about Osial’s origins,We can theories that they are from Fontaine,the region of hydro.

So taking all of that into account,I present this Theory,what if the region is what gives the archon thier elements and not the other way around,what I mean by this is that the elemental energy that corresponds with the archon of each region is abundant in said region,This affects the creatures that live in said region (for example a lot of the geo samachurls can be found in Liyue,Same with the big ones that have elemental shields,and even the shields that the hilichurls use are made of geo),But it also affects the archons themselves,maybe that’s how the archons are born or made.

We can also draw the conclusion that moving forward ,there will be some minor archons (probably just mentioned through a quest or in a book,I highly doubt any archons other than the main 7 made it after the archon war) that somewhat relate to the element of the region they’re originate from, Examples like an archon of lava or volcanos in the pyro region,an archon of flowers or poisons in the Dendero region,The overlord of vortex may even be confirmed to be from the hydro region, an archon of blizzards from the cryo region and so on and so forth.
