#genshin impact barbatos

venti is a trickster god....

I've noticed a small pattern so to say,when it comes to the archons that existed in each region. We have monstadt ,We ...

No one: Venti and Barbara: *depressed musicians*...

Zhongli: What kind of tea is this? Venti: Oh I just boiled some gatorade...

Venti: Day five of being snowed in. I’m singing Rick Astley every hour to try and raise team spirit. I think it’s ...

Barbara: *is doing vocal warm ups* Venti: *sighs lovingly* Barbara: These are just warm ups. I haven't gotten to ...

Quality Time...

I've been playing Genshin Impact so much this past 3 weeks and I'm totally obsessed with Venti like hell girl stop @.@ He'...

I wanted to find out more about Venti as I was curious as to why he disappeared from Mondstadt for years. The best place ...