
Nothing becomes so offensive so quickly as grief. When fresh it finds someone to console it, but when it becomes chronic, it


Tell me, do you sometimes find yourself unaccountably sad on some days?


It seems to me at times that I am incapable of beginning a life in real life, because it has seemed to me that I have lost


Living never wore one so much as the effort not to live.


I do not even know whether I am the one living it or if my life is living me.


Sometimes I’m feeling sad Sometimes it’s driving me mad I don’t know why So I just let myself cry My sadness feels like


Vague dreams, confusing lights, perplexing landscapes—that is what remains in my soul after all my journeying. I have


Some people turn sad awfully young. No special reason, it seems, but they seem almost to be born that way. They bruise easier,...


Al final, y aunque sea difícil, dejar ir a personas, situaciones y todo lo que no valga la pena hace bien


It is not tedium that one feels. It is not grief. It is not even tiredness that one feels. It is the desire to go to


Dejé de ser lo que algún día fui, las personas me cambiaron por completo.


Crees que algunas heridas se sanan totalmente pero un día vuelven a doler de nuevo.


Human beings can reach such desperate solitude that they may cross a boundary beyond which words cannot serve, and at


The trivialities natural to life, the insignificancies of the normal and vulgar, lie like a layer of dust, tracing a blurred,...


You watched her, as she spoke up with a vulnerability in her eyes you haven’t seen before. “I’ll be real, I’m scared you


If I hear myself speaking out loud, the ears with which I hear myself speaking out loud do not listen to me in the same way


I loathe the happiness of all these people who don’t know they’re unhappy. Their true life is vegetative, their sufferings


I still haven’t managed not to feel the pain of my solitude. It is so difficult to achieve the distinction of spirit that


My life: a tragedy booed off the stage by the gods after only the first act. Friends: none. Just a few acquaintances who


How you could be so okay now that I’m gone?


I’ve always rejected being understood. To be understood is to prostitute oneself.


It feels like I do everything wrong that I touch and disappoint or hurt everyone with it.
