
Poets, prophets, and reformers are all picture-makers — and this ability is the secret of their power and of their


Love is hard to find, hard to keep, and hard to forget.


Espero que algún día podamos perdonarnos por no ser lo que queríamos que fuéramos.


If you hate me for who I am, that’s fine. Since I have made quite an impression, your hatred won’t matter to me because


“Are we in love with each other?”, her hugging him while smiling so brightly. Him smiling from ear to ear, “Sounds like


Destiny is what you are willing to accept. Nothing is meant to be. If you want it, put in the work and make it happen.


Your hugs are the warmest. So full of love.


Allow yourself to be loved.


Nothing compares to the feeling of holding your hand.


The sole substitute for an experience we have not ourselves lived through is art and literature.


I am always trying to convey something that can’t be conveyed, to explain something which is inexplicable, to tell


How you could be so okay now that I’m gone?


Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street.


I hear screams, feel your breath on my skin. You are with me. You were never gone.


Escribo porque no vienes. No llamas. Yo sé que estás en el viento. No en el rocío de los vivos. No en el desfile de


A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends.


I like to be alone. I like to be alone with you.


Seguridad? Amongtober...

Traicionar ? Amongtober Tengo instagram me llamo ...

I gave you more than I gave myself , so loyal to you I betrayed myself


UwU ????????????????...

Blookenine - 787 Pic - via tumblr Quote - @guriyachhatwal...

Blookenine - 789...