
I do not have much liking for the too famous existential philosophy, and, to tell the truth, I think its conclusions false.


Man is nothing else but what he purposes, he exists only in so far as he realizes himself, he is therefore nothing else but


I do not even know whether I am the one living it or if my life is living me.


Madness need not be all breakdown. It may also be breakthrough. It is potentially liberation and renewal as well as


The trivialities natural to life, the insignificancies of the normal and vulgar, lie like a layer of dust, tracing a blurred,...


One must give value to their existence by behaving as if one’s very existence were a work of art.


I question myself but do not know myself. The part of my life not wasted in thinking up confused interpretations of nothing


With despair, true optimism begins: the optimism of the man who expects nothing, who knows he has no rights and nothing


Walking on these streets, until the night falls, my life feels to me like the life they have. By day they’re full of


Where you go wrong is that you imagine that your reasons for living ought to fall on you, ready-made from heaven, whereas


To risk one’s life, in fact, is to reveal oneself as not-bound to the objective form or to any determined existence —


When Nietzsche said You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star, and Anaïs Nin said In chaos there ...

Only when we are able to attribute a real meaning to the world and to life shall we be able to give ourselves to such action


It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting.
