
I love venti with all my heart...

Just did Venti’s character story chapter and it was totally worth all the grinding~ The Aether x Venti content was top-notch,......

Venti going full “Barbatos mode” just to help Stanley really shook me there ? I wonder if my headcanon theory of him ...

Aether and Venti watching the sunrise together, as their budding relationship grows once more~ ? ~The tiny Spirit who ...

Ya boi Venti from Genshin impact, he was the 1st 5⭐ I got from gacha ?✨ and so far my strongest damage dealer lol even ...

So Venti's line calling Rex Lapis 'brutish' was kind of a mistranslation. In the Chinese version, he meant that Rex Lapis was '...

Just grandpas chilling...



Can we plz get a god skin for Venti in-game tho...

I. Just got the skyward harp on my fifth pull for that wish. I havent wished at all since Venti. I am. Confused....

Important question how old is Xiao? Better yet, is he older than Venti?...

Venti and Keqing’s updated lines following Chapter 1: Act III - A New Star Approaches~...

The Aether x Venti energy is strong here~ Femboy God finally reached friendship level 6~ ?...

I've been playing Genshin Impact so much this past 3 weeks and I'm totally obsessed with Venti like hell girl stop @.@ He'...

??????? ~ ????...

?????? ????? ~ ?????...

I think a lot about Venti saying that he could have been more powerful had he ruled over Mondstadt but valued freedom more ...

did anyone else get chills from the venti and signora scene or was it just me and my dramatic ass...

Since he’s a god does like Venti actually sleep or does he just run around the world he had a hand in creating like a gremlin ...

Klee: Good morning! Klee: Barbatos has let me live another day, and I am about to make it everybody’s problem....

I'M WHEEZING. My headcanon that Zhongli's earliest form was a dragon was probably the reason why he's so dense about ...

Venti: octopi could hug four people simultaneously, because they are blessed with this ability. however, they don’t even hug ...

I just did venti’s quest- I’m not okay cndifjkmf...