#wise words

this ish hits different, this hits hard....

if there’s a keanu in folks, there’s nothing that you keanu. ??????...

“every L is either a Loss or a Lesson, you choose what it stands for.” - i s h. @theishentries...

the world is too cold, and my arms alone aren’t warm enough to keep my heart from freezing over....

i must remind myself that you don’t think the same way i do, and it would be a shame if you did....

the pain you cause piles up like your dirty laundry, you could only hide it away for so long before i found it all....

the person i strive to be has a peaceful smile and always sees the world smiling back, even when it’s not....

even if you lie, that’s fine, because im crying and i need a reason to fight....

i just wanted you to call my name and lead me home, but instead i’m screaming your name into the darkness of my heart....

It’s never too late to raise your standards. At any point in a relationship you can say, “I’m willing to leave this if ...

although i don’t know what the future holds, i am sure that what i have lived through was excellent....

if you miss me, tell me, or else i’ll think you don’t....

as i grew up i couldn’t help but wonder: where did my childhood go?...

when life gets rough, i must be the smooth waters that should bring me back to shore....

Be brave...

Your toxicity keeps calling for me...

Blookenine - 789...

Blookenine - 787 Pic - via tumblr Quote - @guriyachhatwal...