#gi bennett

Depths of love...

Random cat: Meow. Diona: You sly bastard, I would have never thought of that. Bennett: I'm sorry, can she actually speak cat ...

genshin meta is so fucking bizarre because there’s two literal gods on the roster and the best character meta-wise is a ...

Bennett: What's a gender neutral term for your spouse? Wusband? Hife?? Wifesband??? [Ten minutes later] Bennett: I may ...

Lumine: What’s your greatest strength?  Bennett: Getting out of corn mazes.  Lumine: Uh… ok. And your greatest weakness? ......

Bennett: Would anyone care for a tarot reading? Barbara: Wow Bennett! I didn’t think you knew- Barbara: ... Barbara: ...

Noelle, sitting next to Bennett: Oh, it couldn't have been that bad! Bennett, lying on his bed: Barbara kissed me and I ...

Bennett: Who can I Barbara: Yourself. Bennett: [Scoffs] No....