genshin boys when you ask them to hold your drink kaeya: he would tease you about asking him and say he didn’t know the two

genshin boys when you ask them to hold your drink

kaeya: he would tease you about asking him and say he didn’t know the two of you were so close. will take it and protect it fiercely tho. if its wine he’ll drink it tho so maybe not the best choice

diluc: i’ve said it before i’ll say it again, diluc is the ideal man. he would offer to hold it and also murder anyone that tries to mess with it. like not an overstatement they would not come out alive. he’ll hold it so the top is covered and not like make a massive fuss of protecting it unless anyone tries something. he’s perfect

childe: he might have literally tried to destroy a city but he’s not a rapist and he will protect you. might sip it accidentally tho but its ok bc he feels bad about it. tho if you don’t know him well maybe don’t bc he tries to joke around and act like he put something in it and you need to know he’s joking if you want to feel safe drinking it

venti: there is not a malicious bone in his body but he is such a disaster and depending on whether its alcohol or not he’d chug it without remorse or abandon it somewhere. either way he won’t buy you a new drink bc he’s broke. im sorry venti lovers he’s just like that

zhongli: this man is perfect and ideal, not only would he protect the drink but if it wasn’t full he’d go and get you a refill. would sniff the drink to figure out what was in your cup so he doesn’t get you something else.

albedo: would be so perfect, just clutching the drink to his chest and nervously eyeing anyone who gets close to him until you get back. is acc very happy you trust him enough even though he’s never done anything wrong ever in his life

bennett: i would trust him with my life and my drink but he wouldn’t let you. he doesn’t trust himself. if you manage to convince him that you just need to pee and he just has to hold it for like two minutes he will take it and he won’t let anyone near him until you’re back. would spill it in the process but its okay coz i love him

razor: doesn’t understand why you want him to look after it. you’re either gonna explain rape, rape date drugs, and misogyny to him or you’re just gonna tell him you don’t want to leave it unattended while you piss. he’s confused but he’ll still protect it

xingqiu: he’ll hold it but he might also try to put something gross in it while you’re gone. he just wants to prank you but you won’t get drugged so at least there’s that

chongyun: if you give him your drink then he will spend the whole time you’re gone trying to protect it from xingqiu and his pranks. might spill it in the process but he was doing his best and that’s what counts. also even if it survives his positive energy might make it go all weird and warm so there are better choices

xiao: will act like you’re being paranoid and like its a massive hassle for him but don’t you dare say you’ll ask someone else bc he wants to protect you even in the little ways. is clenching the cup so fuckin hard tho so if its plastic it might come out a bit crushed

scaramouche: he’s awful. will chug it while looking you directly in the eye and then criticise your beverage choices. either that or he’ll just say no. i love him but he’s a little bastard
