#gab gabs

Huh? UHHHHH??? ???!?!?!?!?!?!? Where is everyone?????!?!?! Ok no. I'm logging off and logging back in and if this isn't ...

Welp. Seems like Childe is the first 5* we're oh well, that just gives me more time to save up some F2P primogems ...

I was expecting the update tomorrow??? Not right now??? Welp, let's hope Childe's banner is already available cause I ...

Nngghhhh I had to spend irl money to get Childe and now I only have a 50% chance of getting Zhongli on the first ...

Wow. I've been dodging spoilers left and right. Sure would love to play the game for myself. Shame it lags so badly that it'...

He clearly thought about his retirement for awhile. And somehow he didn't think to put money ...

So smart. Yet so dumb....

I vibe with Childe so hard. Dude doesn't care the outcome or whatever it is the ones in power are planning. He's just in it ...

is that some possible foreshadowing I see at the end???...

We really went and made a friend à la shonen style....

Childe: Someone will die— Teucer: *appears* Childe: —of fun!...

I wonder if the Dendro Archon being only 500 years old has anything to do with whatever happened with the Cryo like ...

I really wonder why Childe is so adamant about keeping Teucer in dark. Like, I was under the assumption that being a Fatui ...

Childe is the youngest Harbinger. So that means that the tiny Scaramouche is older than him....

If Zhongli's character story doesn't include Guizhong, I will be sad. Not as sad as I will be if she is included, but still sad....


Me: I should probably read and study while I wait. My brain: Zhongli Zhongli Zhongli Zhongli Zhongli Zhongli Zhongli Zhongli—...

I need a chili fic where Childe brings Zhongli back home and his family find Zhongli to be rather eccentric, nice but ...

Tfw you're doing a domain with a ruin hunter as an archer and ppl keep telling you to shoot it down and you're like I know I'...

Rosaria pointing out Paimon's ability to appear and disappear at will got me where does Paimon go when she ...

You're planning an expedition to a dangerous and treacherous mountain do you A) Plan accordingly, bring supplies and ensure ...

that quest where the kid asks you to find his he's probably dead and what makes it worse is that he was so ...

Aight. So Albedo seems to suspect that Durin was made by his Master, Rhinedottir. Which raises a lot more questions than ...

Someone on Twitter brought up the idea of Ningguang and Jean being former lovers. And I just immediately thought of ...