
I believe I'm made of the same stuff that stars are....

"To see the sun sink down, drowned on his pink and purple and golden floods, and overwhelm Florence with tides of color ...

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world ...

We were nothing in the face of history but a bunch of waiting ducks.


One of the appeals of alternative medicine is that it offers not just an alternative philosophy or an alternative treatment ...

“O toque dele dói mais do que qualquer outra coisa; é uma facada profunda da memória, e me afasto como posso o mais rá...

“O garoto que se debruçava sobre manuais e construía motos do zero não tem espaço neste mundo. Eu o matei, assim como ...

“Deixamos o silêncio nos envolver. Não ousamos falar mais nada, mas continuamos a nos observar. De repente, fica difí...

Because freedom, I am told, is nothing but the distance between the hunter and its prey. - Ocean Vuong (On Earth We're ...

"I live too much in my past that I have no control over my present"...

“Com a mãe para orientá-lo, ler nossas mentes e moldar Maven segundo as nossas esperanças, não surpreende termos sido ...

“I guess that’s just part of loving people: You have to give things up. Sometimes you even have to give them up.” - ...

“Sometimes things are hard, really hard. Sometimes you have to work at them. Sometimes you have to fail first. But that doesn’...

“Da última vez que me viram, não consegui me controlar. Estava presa, fraca, confusa. Agora estou ferida, me recuperando ...

“Por outro lado, minha vida mudou mais nos últimos dois meses do que nunca. E apenas duas pessoas estiveram ao meu lado ...

“— Vocês prosperam parecendo fracos e atacando forte, certo? Bom, eles fazem o possível para parecerem fortes, invencíveis. Mas,......

iconic lines in the princess diaries book series: from the notebooks of a middle school princess edition: “No one had ...

If life were eternal, all interest and anticipation would vanish. It is uncertainty which lends it fascination.


"Não sei se quero descansar, por estar realmente cansada ou se quero descansar para desistir."...

You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget.


Hell was a place of remembering, each beautiful moment passed through the mind’s eye until it fell to the ground like a


shy smile...

“For the most part, you don't hold the people you love in your heart because they rescued you from drowning or pulled you from ...

Todo mundo erra. O modo como as pessoas compensam os erros é que conta....