
When we are unhurried and wise, we perceive that only great and worthy things have any permanent and absolute existence,


Reality is infinitely diverse, compared with even the subtlest conclusions of abstract thought, and does not allow of


Just as the trunk of a banana tree is nothing when split into pieces, in the same way too, the ‘I’ is not a real entity


A priest is someone who lives only in the invisible world and for whom everything visible possesses only the truth of


True experience consists in reducing one’s contact with reality whilst at the same time intensifying one’s analysis of


Not to be attained by means of another, free [from intrinsic nature], not populated by hypostatization, devoid of


Nature requires that the soul of every human being has seen reality; otherwise, no soul could have entered this sort of


Underneath this reality in which we live and have our being, another and altogether different reality lies concealed.


The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as


In most cases, to be reasonable means not to be obstinate, which in turn points to conformity with reality as it is.


Is it not in reasoning if anywhere that any reality becomes clear to the soul? … And indeed the soul reasons best when none


Even the loveliest dream bears like a blemish its difference from reality, the awareness that what it grants is mere illusion.


Everyone thinks that I shine so bright, but they don’t see who I am at night.


Intelligence has got the upper hand to such an extent that it transforms the real task into an unreal trick, and reality into


Nobody knows how dark my mind goes.


I want someone who wants to converse about the universe.


Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


Your smile resembles a moon’s crescent and your luminance is just as iridescent.


Many try to capture the Moon but she isn’t so easy to swoon.


My monsters give me so much depression, it’s starting to look like an obsession.


Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.


I am not at all cynical, I have merely got experience, which, however, is very much the same thing.


I’ve tried to water the flowers in my head, but they’re already dead.


They say that love can save but it took me to the grave.
