Diluc getting a rep as the guy who has beef with Barbatos “What do you think Barbatos is like?” Diluc, making eye contact

Diluc getting a rep as the guy who has beef with Barbatos

  • “What do you think Barbatos is like?”
    Diluc, making eye contact with Venti: I think he’s a drunk piece of shit
  • Barbara: I haven’t seen you at the church lately.
    Diluc: Yeah, it’s just because I’ve decided that I can directly tell Barbatos what I want
    Barbara: Oh! That’s so great that you’ve grown in your spirituality–
    Diluc, glaring at Venti, who hasn’t paid his tab in two weeks: So I can tell him to step the fuck up and learn some responsibility
  • There’s a lot of discussion if like… Diluc is mad because Mondstadt is a godless city 
  • “Would you rather go to Liyue, then?”
    Diluc: Why would I go to Liyue???
    “Well… its archon is still there and looking after them…”
    Diluc: Barbatos is OUR archon, he’s a stinky rat bastard and I love him, how dare you suggest otherwise
  • Jean, stirring up trouble: Would you punch Barbatos, Diluc?
    Diluc, not even looking up: Without hesitation
  • “It seems like you dislike Barbatos–”
    Diluc, sighing: No, I actually think he’s great
    Venti, across the bar, beams, and Diluc is just Tired
  • Venti, just to be a lil shit: I think Diluc would be a better archon than Barbatos, actually
    Diluc, glaring daggers: I will spit on Barbatos’ statue but how DARE YOU
  • At the end of the day, though, Diluc seems weirdly devoted…?
  • Diluc randomly knowing a LOT about Mondstadt’s history… ESPECIALLY concerning Barbatos…?
  • Diluc: It’s because that piece of shit god keeps telling me about it while he’s drunk
  • Eventually some people are like “wait is he actually hearing the voice of Barbatos. Is Diluc a saint”
  • New rumour that Diluc is actually a saint who can and WILL fight the archon whose voice he hears