#Seri plays genshin impact

I think Childe and Yan Fei should have a rap battle...

I swear Childe if you don't give me Shards but buttplugs instead, im stuffing all the ones I have up your ass and you're ...

Part of me is so sad that my Xiao already feels better built than my Tartaglia He has higher crit rate and crit dmg than ...

I AM GONNA GO FERAL OVER CHILDE'S ENG VA TWITTER This man bops but his posts are cursed...

Mihoyo Why does the Anemo Hypostasis spend 5 seconds to spawn, then 10-15 seconds to do its first attack...

If one were to see this group of individuals that traveled together, they would think that the leader would be the formal ...

The Paimon quiz gave me the question of who is Angel Share's bartender and the only reason I remember was because of a ...

From a gameplay standpoint, Vortex Vanquisher makes no sense as Zhongli's weapon if he's meant to be a support. ATT% Substat,......

Sounds strange but I'm thinking of speccing Zhongli a slight bit into Ele Mastery. Those Crystallise Shields get stronger ...

I don't browse reddit often but apparently Mihoyo said that they cant help retrieve a person's account back after it was ...

After using Zhongli in open world and Spiral Abyss (Floor 12), I have a few thoughts in regards to his lackluster kit. ...

Hurr durr Zhongli cant be a good main DPS NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE Put on that Crescent Pike Get that Physical DMG goblet Run ...

Hhhh wanna artifact But must ASCEND-...

Not sure if it's due to Zhongli, my increased patience, or how much I improved in grouping enemies (without Venti) But I ...

Hello I've watched Zhongli's character demo about 20 times now Dont make me spend money again good sir...

Holy crap I got 6 stars of Floor 11 Xiangling I am forever greatful for beefing you up Will I even attempt floor 12? Haha N O...

Hi I already love Xinyan...

After some thinking, decided to sink $50 into this game. And Not only did I get a second Tartaglia (thank god) I ...

Close to Friendship LVL 5 with Tartaglia. Hopefully I get it after weekly reset Also somewhat close to Friendship LVL 9 ...

Man Genshin rly needs a PM function. How do I msg friends from other platforms that aren't PSN?...

Uhhhh I was doing artifacts farming and I spotted a Seelie stand that was on the ground??? When I went to examine it, it ...

Sometimes I wish I had enough Resin for artifact farming. I wanna beef up my support characters for Spiral Abyss but I have ...

Thank you Mihoyo for making it easier to participate in this web event from PS4...

Man Tartaglia's ult is so good. As much as a love Razor's ult for DPS, it lasts quite awhile and I have to commit to staying ...