
This is gonna be, that today, we are going to keep our hearts set toward Jesus in every action we do. Open your mind. Let ...

There is no god like The Lord God. Never lose your way when a certain situation happens, not with your heart or your mind, ...

In full surrender, she trusts in Him, to guide her through all things uncertain.


?"Vivemos em um mundo cada vez mais cheio de hipócritas. Muitos são os que falam de AMOR, sem mesmo saber ou ter a prática ...

Your entire life will change when you embrace obedience and finally let go of your own will, gripping tightly to Him with



I was playing among us and there was thing person called Jesus and I kept saying things in the chat like 'JESUS I LOVE YOU',......

Me: playing RE8 w/ my sister watching* Me: picks up a picture of Mother Miranda* My Sister: “Is that Jesus?” YES ITS JESUS...

"call nothing sus that I have called crewmate" - jesus...

Jesus doing the Sermon on the Mount to a group of patient, sitting amogi...