Anon asked: And how about some platonic HCs for Diluc? Ur 2 really good

Anon asked:
And how about some platonic HCs for Diluc? Ur just… 2 really good friends… becauseipersonallydoubti'deverwinhisheartifhewererealaahaha - diluc anon

author’s note:  I’ve been very inactive lately, sorry for the delay everyone ^^


  • Honestly, even if you’re friends, he’ll act like you’re acquaintances with maybe a tiny, tiny hint of familiarity between you two
  • Diluc is without a doubt, softer with someone close to him 
  • Though he does have moments where he completely shuts out the people around him 
  • Honestly, if you try to pry too much, consider your friendship gone for a while. 
  • Being Diluc’s friends means that they are probably also some people he would trust with a lot of his baggage, so there is that as well 