I wanna meet the chaotic ass of a bitch that is the fire archon. Have you guys ever questioned what type of person the

I wanna meet the chaotic ass of a bitch that is the fire archon.

Have you guys ever questioned what type of person the fire archon is to be giving out these visions to these chaoctic people:

Diluc, Klee, Amber, Bennett, Xiangling and Xinyan?

The randomness but most chaotic people to be giving visions to.

My first issue is fucking Klee. A legit child who is constant prison isolation because of her obsession of making bombs. A legit god took one good look at Klee who wants to place Jumpy Dumpty (aka a cute ass looking bomb) all over Mondstat, or uses her explosives to catch fish, and was like “Yeah I’m gonna give this girl the pyro vision.”

Then Bennett who was the worst luck possible, quite literally gets hit by a pebble as he is standing in the middle of an open plain with absolutely no life form around. His passion overload attack that knocks him back and can kill him if he gets knocked over a damn cliff. This boy can be just breath and he get sent to a damn hospital. Yet the pyro archon still takes one look at him and goes “Yeah I’ll give him a vision too.”

All the other ones are just wild.

A Batman wannabe with daddy issue. Who owns a damn wine tycoon business but hates the taste of it.

A girl who will eat fucking living slimes and throws a teddy bear at enemies.

Another girl who legit throws a bunny version of herself who doesn’t even do anything for a moment but dance before exploding.

Finally another girl who just what’s be a rockstar guitarist.

Like I thought Venti was chaotic, but whoever this pyro archon is, is on a whole other level.
