#notes on an art form

Nearly every artist can draw when he has made a discovery. But to draw in order to discover – that is the godlike process.


Works of genius have this intrinsic property, that even when they give a perfect likeness of the nullity of things, even


To speak of these things and to try to understand their nature and, having understood it, to try slowly and humbly


There are two types of colour: apparent colour and actual colour. Apparent colours – the colour of the sky, the sea, sunlight


All art is meaningless to those for whom life itself is only a spectacle.


It is a strange solitude that [artists] choose. Yet we do choose it so there is no point whatsoever in regretting it. It is


If we [artists] think of ourselves as special creators, we are wrong. Everyone creates in the same way as we do. They invent,...
