
The fridge sometimes is like food hospice.


Every drink is just water with some stuff in it.


A lot of people eat books with their eyes.


Skeletor has moved in next door, the property value is dropping.


Is five and a half too early to learn about the Hero’s Journey?


If I walked into a bathroom and saw someone eating chips I would call the police.


Did it ever occur to you that you were dining in a themed restaurant themed for Tom Hank’s friend who died in that one movie?


He’s not a gun enthusiast but guns are enthusiastic about him.


Lead with the Beyblade trap!


Welcome to Nasty Ebay.


Is this the start of a fucking Taco Bell ARG, Justin?


What if Taco Bell was, like, food?


Idk I think travis saying “this style of play isn’t fun for me” is understandable, but then again I personally interpreted it ...

Justin that sound sucks shit so bad.


At this point I just assume Tom Hanks is a mouthpiece for God.


I like this table. I sure could kill a man on it if he cheated me at cards.


What is the opposite of bread?


Making me wish I had four hands. Two of them are to choke you with.


Tell me what your text said or I’m gonna have Knuckles whip your ass!


You just butchered Sonic the Hedgehog on the altar of your supposed joke.


If I run real fast around the world it’s gonna create a vortex to suck up all the corona virus.


I’m glad we broke quarantine for this; Sonic the Hedgehog’s birthday party.


I don’t want you to live in a world that could be upturned by mustard.


People are going to notice it’s pizza puppy shirt time again.
