Lisa being Razor’s teacher is so cute. I know she would absolutely sneak in some self indulgent stuff in between their

Lisa being Razor’s teacher is so cute. I know she would absolutely sneak in some self indulgent stuff in between their lessons. She’s definitely taught him how to make tea and proper tea time etiquette. Some days she’ll comb and braid his hair and tie it with a purple rose so it looks like hers. (Later that day Razor meets up with Bennett and he’s like “oh hey, Razor, you look great!!”) 

Other days she will take him shopping for clothes and he becomes the most fashionable boy around. Big witch hats don’t suit him, so he favors maybe an eyepatch like Kaeya (But he really believes in the “eyepatches are hereditary” thing though fjfhf) ANYWAY Razor definitely sees that Lisa calls everyone “cutie” or “sweetie” or “dear,” and eventually asks what they mean. 

Lisa laughs and tells him they’re just nicknames for people you care about. 

So the next day comes, and Bennett goes to meet Razor for a bite to eat somewhere. “Hi, sweetie,” Razor calls over to him.
