Soft Genshin Headcannons

Soft Genshin Headcannons

Them seeing scars y/n is self conscious abt

(Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, Zhongli)


* you already know my man has some battle scars

* he does love showing them off to you and giving you the story behind them

* when you are changing one day, he notices a big one across your back

* you automatically put a shirt on and tear up

* he gets worried he’s hurt you somehow and begins to apologize and smother you with hugs

* when you calm down you explain you never really liked your scars and thought they made you ugly and weak

* He tells you it’s quite the opposite and he thinks it makes you strong and beautiful

* you guys cuddle and he listens quietly as you tell stories about your scars


* he’s more of the type to not have too many scars and if he does he does show them off

* you had just caught him after your shower with a huge scar on your upper arm

* it was a deeper cut and it had healed weirdly, like it puffed up

* Kaeya laughed and touched it, calling it “pretty gruesome”

* you slapped his hand away in defense and quickly ran to change

* leaving that poor boy dumbfounded

* he knocked at your door and asked if he could come in

* when you didn’t answer he came in to see you crying

* his poor heart hurt and he began to apologize and kiss at your face

* when he asked what was wrong, you told him everything

* after he’ll often run his fingers along it and whisper how pretty you are to him


* Man is like smooth as a freaking baby

* he is a literal adepti??hello??

* poor boy doesn’t know how to comfort you for the life of him

* when you got in a huge fight it left a scar across your face and you often covered it with your hair

* Xiao loves seeing it and will often brush your hair away just to see it

* when you slap his hand away one time he was confused

* you said you didn’t like when he stared and shifted away from him

* he was normally the one to say and do such things, so when you did he knew something was up

* he offered to cuddle (which he hates) and you declined

* he gave you your space because he knew you’d tell him eventually

* and you did. you told him you didn’t really like it and you thought he hated it

* he was shocked you were self conscious of anything because you’d always put up a strong face for him.

* every now and then he’ll caress your face and call you his beautiful lover


* Also a mfing adepti

* he is a bit more kind to you and understands you a bit more

* you came home to him with a huge scar up your leg and his face was far from disgusted

* he was almost proud

* scratch that, he was proud

* man was glowing that his lover beat up something and got a bad ass scar from it

* you hated it and often covered it up with thigh high socks

* Zhongli will often hug you and ask why you covered it up

* you’d just say you were cold and nothing more

* he wasn’t one to question it but it was mid summer in Liyue

* He asked if you were uncomfortable with it and knew the answer immediately when you tensed up against him

* He pulled your stocking down and gently caressed it before placing a small kiss on it

* “I think it’s absolutely amazing.”
