Okay Genshin people I need some help if anyone else has run into this so far please help me. I'm basically stuck at AR35

Okay Genshin people I need some help if anyone else has run into this so far please help me.

I’m basically stuck at AR35 because the experience counter glitched and now I’m at like 8400+/7475, I literally can’t advance to AR36 to continue the story.

I don’t know what I can do to fix it and I really want to play through Venti’s story quest but I can’t until I get the glitched fixed. 🙃

I’m also playing the game on playstation so I don’t know if that changes anything

Do I maybe have to uninstall the game and re-install it? Can I do that with losing my progress?

Please help I just got Childe and Venti and I don’t want to lose them 😫😭

I also sent an email to mihoyo yesterday (4/6/21) through the feedback menu but they haven’t said anything back yet

Any ideas, fellow travelers?
