I have this weird headcanon in my head wherein Verr Goldet has become a mother figure to Xiao (which Xiao aggresively denies

I have this weird headcanon in my head wherein Verr Goldet has become a mother figure to Xiao (which Xiao aggresively denies in his head but his heart cant deny the motherly affection he felt)

Like- there was prolly this one time– Xiao was struggling against himself in his corrupted moments and he crash landed at the inn’s balcony. Verr checked what happened and saw Xiao’s state.

Instead of like running in fear from the dark energy that surrounded Xiao- Verr just waltzed to his side and cradled what she can of him and began singing a child’s lullaby for him to sleep— Verr felt that motherly tug/instinct to help a child and that child is Xiao and she doesnt care if he’s waaaaay older than her because she doesnt like seeing him have a hard time

And damn Xiao slept well because he felt the love of a mother—

(And if if if Verr and Huai'an has a child imagine Xiao caring for that child as his tiny cute sibling which i might write about later lmao)
