Jean as a Dendro User

Because I may be a fool but also, I’m a genius 

  • Dandelions blooming in the path behind her when she’s outside of Mondstadt, so she can always find her way home
  • Y’know how her E blows people away from her? Her dendro E just. Holds them in place. Vines come out and grab their ankles while Jean’s like “hold up I gotta heal so don’t move” and her enemies are like. How am I gonna move when you got me all tied up like this?
  • Venti getting jealous because he wanted to give her a vision but the dendro archon got there first
  • Jean being the first of the four winds to not have anemo abilities
  • Venti straight up thinking about like… does he give her anime abilities anyways? And just let her have two visions? That’s too much for a human body to handle though, right? 
  • Jean and Diluc’s teamwork being crazy good because she just puts stuff there for him to burn
  • Jean and Klee’s teamwork being good to the point where it’s just straight-up terrifying
  • Jean growing little flowers for Klee when she misses her mom or feels lonely
  • Jean growing silk flowers that aren’t native to Mondstadt just to give to Lisa
  • Jean growing flowers so that Klee can make flower crowns
  • Rumours say one time someone made Jean mad and then mysteriously vanished… oh but on that same day that he was last seen, the Knights of Favonius headquarters suddenly got such a lovely new tree… hm… wonder where that came from…
  • Jean to Venti after discovering his identity: You know, when I was younger, I actually wanted an anemo vision–
    Venti, standing up: I KNEW IT, I’m so mad at myself for not giving you one–
  • When Jean was younger, she kept accidentally growing plants with thorns that would hurt her, and that’s why Barbara got so good at healing, because she always took care of Jean when she accidentally pricked herself on a rosebush or something like that