Bennett, having been adopted by all the men in the Adventurer's Guild, calls anyone "dad" that he perceives as acting

Bennett, having been adopted by all the men in the Adventurer’s Guild, calls anyone “dad” that he perceives as acting paternally toward him. He started using it for Diluc after the older man gave him some lessons with his Vision. Diluc panicked over it (“I’m only 21, how am I supposed to parent this kid???”) and asked the Dads that Bennett lives with for advice. They told him to be a friend before anything else, and now he makes it a point to drop by every few days with groceries & stuff and ask Bennett how he’s doing. Bonus: Kaeya has been one of Bennett’s dads ever since the kid joined the Adventurer’s Guild and likes to tease Diluc that he was first. He’s also fiercely protective of Bennett since he knows firsthand how important adoptive family is and will do anything to make sure Bennett knows he is loved.
