What if the statues of the seven ACTUALLY resurrect people Boreas dragging a young Razor to the statues over and over

What if the statues of the seven ACTUALLY resurrect people

  • Boreas dragging a young Razor to the statues over and over because humans weren’t made for the wilderness and the kid keeps putting himself in danger
  • Razor not understanding why the statue’s healing works for him and not his wolf family but knowing this is something else that makes him different
  • I think usually only vision users would be brought back to life and for ordinary people it’s only for a very, very rare exception
  • Vision users: [revive every three hours, abusing the statues shamelessly]
    Non-vision users: [die normally, one gets resurrected once every five centuries and becomes a legend]
  • Grieving people hearing that the statues resurrect and dragging a corpse to the statue but the person stays dead and it’s always like. Why. You brought so many others back why–why not this one. Why not my person, my loved one?
  • Paimon complaining to the Traveler that they’re too heavy because she has to carry them all the way by herself the first few times
  • Traveler always travels with at least one other person who isn’t Paimon so that if either one of them dies, the other can bring them to a statue
  • Traveler dying so much that Venti and Zhongli are like “listen we’ll let you teleport to the statues because this is just so tragic”
  • Venti: I’m the weakest of the seven
    Also Venti: [casually raises the dead]
  • Yes, you won’t die if you stay at a statue, but the question is at what cost? You can get stabbed ten times and not die but now you’ve been stabbed ten times without a mark left, only the memory and a phantom feeling.
  • Childe dying a ridiculous amount because he keeps getting into fights and just chilling at the Rex Lapis statues all the time
  • Zhongli: …You’re back
    Childe, grinning: You miss me?
    Zhongli, sitting next to him: I miss my peaceful retirement, stop dying you idiot
  • I think Barbara died near a statue once and Jean was traumatized and screaming but because it was close to a statue, when Jean prayed, Barbatos brought her back and that’s part of why the tree near that statue is so precious to her