From Zhongli’s story quest, we see that if a god is killed they will bring with them destruction. This indicates: A.)

From Zhongli’s story quest, we see that if a god is killed they will bring with them destruction. This indicates:

A.) Cloud Retainer was Right to be worried about Liyue(though maybe destroying it would be a bit much).

Rex Lapis is the Geo Archon, the Prime of the Adepti, the oldest of the Archons. Havria’s remains and the trail of salt left behind went unnoticed because of the seal. As stated by Zhongli, she was a weak god. Imagine the disaster that would happen if Rex Lapis died.

B.) Why Rex Lapis sealed the gods in Guyun instead of killing them with his stone spears.

Again, the disaster and cleanup that would happen because of it would not be pretty. Look at Osial. He’s strong, and the fact that 4 Adepti, a unknown(Traveler), and the Liyue Qixing all had to bond together to defeat him. Adding onto the fact that the Jade Chamber was the only thing stopping Liyue’s destruction(if Rex Lapis had actually died). Add onto the fact that Osial has been sealed for what? Centuries? We barely defeated Osial as he was, just imagine how much power he had during the Archon war. And there were also countless others.
