Anon asked:  P-Picnic date with You just plan a small little picnic dinner dor Diluc after he finishes another

Anon asked: 
P-Picnic date with Diluc…… You just plan a small little picnic dinner dor Diluc after he finishes another extra busy day… Just to help him relax a bit - diluc anon

A/N: Okay I’m really not dead fr… coming back from my month long break is nice, haha… 


  • It’s really rare for him to have extra time, so when you plan this little date for him to relax… Diluc just… melts 
  • The assortments of his favourite foods, the atmosphere and the meaning you put behind him really get to him, it makes him feel this warm feeling
  • A warm feeling Diluc keeps reserved for the closest people in his heart
  • It doesn’t have to be anything special, the fact you took the time and effort to put this together for you two just gets him weak 
  • Diluc won’t admit it, of course, but you can see he gets gentler and softer