General Chongyun HCs because GIVE MY BABY LOVE

- Chonyun is a cat, I don’t take criticism

- He’s very mature and accomplished for his age so a lot of people forget that he’s just a kid

- Sometimes even he forgets :(

- I feel like Chongyun is an only child, one that had lots of expectations placed upon them. And even despite meeting them and going beyond them, they always feel lonely, unaccomplished, or empty. 

- I have a feeling Chongyun was this prodigy child because of his congenital positivy and his drive to train and fight

- Chongyun’s definitely got some walls up, maybe it’s his position but he doesn’t always get to just be him, it’s even mentioned in one of his character stories

- Xingqiu, weather as a love interest or just his friend, would definitely get him to open up with how easy going he is, and Chongyun would motivate Xingqiu to train harder and idk I just love their dynamic 

- Real talk tho Chongyun is 100% that Asian Kid that your parents always compare you to 

- Chongyun can play like three instruments, he’s got straight A’s, and he’s got a black belt in martial arts 

- Let’s circle back to depression again because all of this causes a lot of people to put him on this pedestal as the shinning prodigy child and that isn’t good for anyone, case and point, Azula

- Actually, I feel like Chongyun could have become like Azula but I refuse to believe his parents were abusive, he’s really kind and kindness and fairness is something he seems to value so clearly he’s been taught well


- I’ve seen a few people on TikTok compare him to k-pop idols and tbh I see it, the haircut? The fit? The color scheme? Peak k-pop soft boy energy

- That being said Chongyun’s got quite a lot of admirers

- Tends to stay away from them because they make him all flustered and he can’t handle the heat bc of his condition

- I feel like if he met Childe they’d get along because they both strive to improve themselves

- Although Chongyun might not like Childe all too much because of the whole mass murderer and Fatui thing

But yeah that’s it for now lol
