Familiar (Zhongli)

Familiar Faces… (Zhongli)

A/N: This is more of a concept than proper drabble, and can be considered a platonic reader-insert since I’ve left things pretty neutral!
Warnings: Implied ages for the reader, spoilers for the Liyue chapter/game’s plot

Morax, a couple years before, was patrolling the mountains around Liyue. It wasn’t something he needed to do, since there were the adepti, but he usually gets a fair takeaway from descending to the nation every now and then.

Fit for the task in mind, Morax manuevers about the air nimbly as a dragon (the Chinese kind, with serpent-like bodies).

Everything is reasonably peaceful, save for some treasure hoarders, until he hears the faint sound of a person’s cry.

It was an alarmed one, accompanied by the crack of a branch - he glances about its general direction to see a small figure falling.

Morax is there not a moment too soon, catching the human and balancing them on his form before letting them off somewhere nearby. They’re trembling from fright, but offers him a grateful bow. It’s unclear if the child even recognises him for a god. Perhaps they assume he’s just a noble spirit of the mountains.

Well, no matter. Morax is quick to nod in return before taking to the skies once more.


Come the present day where Zhongli of the Wangshen Funeral Parlour is at work. He looks up from the desk he’s working on at the sound of a bell - a visitor’s arrival.

They seem a bit familiar… He can’t help but find it curious - wherever he’s recalling their features from, it’s clear they don’t recognise him in return.

The young adult finds themselves studying his eyes before realising their stupor. Having snapped out of their daze, they begin to introduce themselves.
