okay so. diluc is crepus’s son, and we know his relationship with him was heavily emphasized in the manga and in various

okay so. diluc is crepus’s son, and we know his relationship with him was heavily emphasized in the manga and in various parts of the game, which means that he was influenced quite strongly by him, and because of this we can argue crepus made diluc. as diluc is one of what remains of crepus after his death, we can also say that diluc is his legacy (and of course, children can be considered the legacy of their parents). this is further supported by the fact their names mean dawn and dusk respectively, dawn comes after dusk, the light after darkness, the new after the old. if we think about how this relates to his character aesthetics what stands out most is his association with the phoenix, a symbol of rebirth, of changing the old into the new. not to mention that diluc truly changed into the person he is currently the day crepus died. therefore, one can say that diluc is the PHOENIX that rose from crepus’s ASHES, THANK YOU for coming to my ted talk
