I’ve been thinking of how a vision being taken away changes a person. How the vision itself is believed to be a

I’ve been thinking of how a vision being taken away changes a person. How the vision itself is believed to be a physical manifestation of a person’s will. To have one’s vision taken from them is mentioned as being similar to taking away a person’s passion or ambition- making them a quieter and more malleable version of themself…

Anyways: Yandere genshin men who take away your vision in an attempt to make you a more agreeable and manageable darling only to realize, possibly too late, that they’ve taken away a central aspect of you. That without your vision, ‘you’ started to fade away, leaving them behind and completely negating their attempt to bind you to them.

Would hastily return your vision to you in hopes that you’ll come back. They’re wrecked with remorse- or rather, abject terror- at the idea that you, the whole of you, has gone somewhere they have no hopes of following. Without ‘you’, this body is a worthless vessel. A doll. A husk. A memento to loss. They never wanted a doll. They had only wanted you to listen- to stop fighting and see just how much they love you! But now, well, now they’re as alone as they’d always feared they would be. // Kaeya, Albedo, Venti

He hadn’t meant for things to turn out like this. He’d only wanted you to listen. To be good and accept him the way he knew you could. But now, beneath an indifferent sky, he has to accept that he’s made a grave mistake. He never should have taken away your vision. It hadn’t been worth it. Hadn’t been worth this. Looking over the vast, moon bathed beauty of Teyvat, he cradles what’s left of you close. You don’t cling to him to ward of the night’s chill, not like you had long ago, but he holds your cold hands in one of his to keep your fingers warm. He tucks the top of your head beneath his chin to shield your cold nose from the wind’s bite. The vision in your lap sits dimly, reflecting the moonlight back out rather than radiating out its own brilliance. He knows better than to hope it will. You’ve long gone, leaving him behind as so many others had before you. But this time is different- this time he knows it was his fault. His impatience. His foolishness. He’s sorry about that, he hopes you know. Wherever you may be. He hadn’t wanted to ruin you. Hadn’t meant for you to disappear, slipping out of his hands like water. He had only wanted to keep you. He had only wanted to love you. The light of his own vision grows dim as he nestles you in his lap and gazes over the cliff. The world is quiet. The world is still. The man you’d called lover and then, later, captor, runs his thumb over the smooth surface of his vision and contemplates souls. Yours had disappeared when he’d taken your vision from you. If he were to lose his, thrown into the wilds of Teyvat- would his soul finally be free to follow? He knew better than to hope for such a blessing. He was undeserving- would forever be unworthy. But, he thinks as he gazes at the cliff, contemplating the sheer fall and the impossibility of finding anything thrown from such a height, if you must walk Teyvat as a shadow then, surely, you would not want to walk alone. If you must be lost, then it was only right to be lost together.

Would return your vision to you in hopes that you’ll recover. However, even if you don’t, they’ll devote themselves to you. They’ll take good care of you, they promised they would, after all. Even if now you’re little more than a silent stranger. It’s still you, after all, right? It’s still you? They had never intended this kind of destruction, but they will hold themselves responsible and treat you as they always intended to. If only you hadn’t struggled so much, he wouldn’t have felt the need to go to such extreme measures. If only you had been good then… well, it doesn’t matter. Not anymore. // Diluc, Chongyun, Kazuha, Zhongli, Gorou

He had promised to always take care of you, and he was nothing if not a man of his word. The door clicks shut behind him as he enters your shared bedroom. With gentle hands, he sits you up and soothes a palm down your back, smoothing away the wrinkles in your clothing. Voice soft, he tells you about his day. A foolish hope burns in his chest that you’ll respond with curiosity, confusion, even anger. It’s a dream deferred, as always, when you remain resolute in your silence. That’s okay. He had expected as much. You’ve been this way since his mistake and he knows there is no one to blame but himself. But still- he wishes things could go back to the way they were before. He’d take your hatred over your indifference. Your disgust over your silence. Hell- he even misses the way you’d spit hatred at him. Because it had been you, really you, back then. But he’d been a step too slow, had realized the depth of his mistake to late. And now you’re quiet. Now you’re agreeable. Now you’re the picture of obedience. The taste of his regret is bitter as he realizes just how wrong he had been to want this from you. How foolish it had been to think that this- this imitation of you, this listless husk that held all your beauty and none of your breath- had been what he’d once craved so ardently. What’s left of you blinks up at him, eyes like glass beads. Through the sting of grief in his chest, he presses a soft kiss to your forehead and bids you to return to sleep. He’d once promised to love you forever and even now, he loved what was left of you with all the cruelty of a heart gone putrid with despair.

Would not return your vision, finding themselves rather enchanted with you now. Possibly delusional to a degree in the respect that they believe that this is just you behaving yourself. This may even be you… in love. People are better listeners and more agreeable when they love someone right? And well, you’re perfectly placid now! You’re such a good darling like this. So obedient. So accepting. It’s what they always wanted, really. They’d always known you could be good for them, that deep down you understood what they were trying to do- binding your lives together the way they had always meant to be. // Bennet, Xingqiu, Razor, Childe, Xiao, Itto

You’ve changed a lot lately. Which isn’t to say he disapproves- he doesn’t! He’s just surprised is all- he hadn’t expected his little punishment, or rather, his discipline, to work so well. You used to be so feisty, so resistant and angry when he just wanted to love you and take care of you the way he knew you truly wanted to be. But now you’re so good for him. You rest your head against his chest without complaint and he can kiss you as much as he wants. It’s perfect! Or- no, it’s perfect. It’s perfect. Everything’s good. Right? Right? To be honest, he wishes you’d kiss him back without him asking first. Wishes you’d smile, really smile, the way you used to for him. It’s not that your smile is ugly these days! Not at all! It’s just kind of… empty. Distant. Like you’re not really here. But you are. You are! He’s holding you in his arms right now! You’re resting your head on his shoulder! So why does he feel so lonely? Why does he feel like something is horribly, horribly wrong? Maybe he’s just overthinking things. It’s not like him to, but there’s a first for everything, right? People change, you certainly have. Maybe he has as well. Yeah. Yeah. That’s probably it. Everything’s fine. You’re happy. You’re safe. You’re his. Everything’s fine- so why does he feel like crying whenever he looks into your eyes?
