Albedo: *puts research paper on Jean's table* I made a full analysis. All the components are safe as well as any

Albedo: *puts research paper on Jean’s table* I made a full analysis. All the components are safe as well as any combination that can be found on the sample.

Sucrose: *puts another pile* No side effects were registered as well.

Mona: I even got the conclusion from Baizhu-sensei *puts a stamped paper* it’s positive too.

Jean: *looks through everything* So there’s no reason for me not to give my permission. *signs her own sheet* But I still recommend to use the remedy no more than trice a day, with a two hours interval or longer.

Lisa: Yay, thank you.

Traveler: *coming* What’s going on?

Lisa: *giggles* It’s now confirmed that my tickle potion is safe to spray on children of Klee’s age. *takes a fancy spray bottle* Want to try it by the way?
