#the mystic

Give me to hold all sounds […] Fill me with all the voices of the universe.


And I myself for long, O Death, have breath’d my every breath / Amid the nearness and the silent thought of thee.


She spoke the speech of poplar trees—


What do you suppose creation is? […] / What do you suppose I would intimate to you in a hundred ways, but that man or woman


he watched and he listened, he asked nothing of anyone, and no one asked anything of him, the silence within him


Generally I do not believe in dates, things flow into each other and grow out from each other, the whole thing proceeds


…and with this heart he looked at the landscape, and he looks at it now too, and it is with this heart that he sees now


I am a new rose. My redness, wild hallucinations–


What I write you has no beginning: it’s a continuation. From the words of this song, a song that’s mine and yours, there


…I only think about today, for me there is no tomorrow, for me there is no future, because every day is the last day, and


such genius of colour. shape of bay. headland the dark moors of the mountain ranges. a door opening in the sky


That darkness was pure, perfect, thoughtless, visionless; that darkness was without end, without borders; that darkness was


The universe is nothing but what my dreams weave. …/The threads dissolve, and I see myself in the void of
