#sing me down into the dark

Crying, soaking in the depths. Glad not to recognize myself anymore.


She knows the depths of sorrow. Nothing else could possible happen to her.


December drips through my nerves.


I’m laughing, but in my heart I weep with spite.


…and they scream, but this screaming, this darkness, their mouths and their eyes cannot be spoken of now, only


And since I couldn’t let [the young man I was] breathe, since I smothered him inside of me, since I covered him a little bit


I turn and fade, a candle in your light, burnt to the quick;


I see and hear the wind. It is unreceived. Clouds flee backwards. I think myself into a stupor.


Where were you at night? No one knows. Don’t try to answer—for the love of God. I don’t want to know the answer.


Night, and everything so quiet, as if there were no one, not even myself.


a haze…rest and night—oblivion


She was not afraid of pain; she was tired of it; and sometimes she thought being tired of it was worse than fear, that


But for a long time a desert was inside her.


[She] is almost like a small lake. For every cloud that drifts over her, she becomes dark, not just on the surface but at


and just water and water everywhere, and memories and memories, no matter where he looked, and the sadness, the pain in


(O Mother—O Sisters dear! / If we are lost, no victor else has destroy’d us, / It is by ourselves we go down to eternal night.)


Dear sirs, now of all times, when I had so much to say, I don’t know how to express myself. I’m a solemn and serious woman,


And I myself for long, O Death, have breath’d my every breath / Amid the nearness and the silent thought of thee.
