
I find the mystery of passion the most beautiful thing in the world.


- Fyodor Dostoyevsky...

Where are we really going? Home, always back home.


I receive your consciousness, I unravel you this garden of palpitation, I offer your naked body to the roses,


…the appalling face of a glimpsed truth—the strange commingling of desire and hate,


The woods were very quiet—perfectly quiet.


…as if all the sad light of the cloudy evening had taken refuge on her forehead.


Yes, the nights are marvellous. Full moon, nightingales,


…and I sat there and read which was very nice.


After all books are the greatest help and comfort.


Words are waves. You learn to swim from the seduction of a wave that wraps you in foam. Words have the rhythm of the sea and


Pain keeps us company from a distance and howls like a siren,


The early morning is lovely. I like to feel that I am in harmony with nature;


Out of your fear of tomorrow. The past was born. Out of all that you feel, out of all the misery of the present, which


…on soft nights when I lied with my window open,


It was a perfect autumn morning – rich & warm & regretful,


I’m losing grip of everything I clung to.


Empty as a moonlit sky; and brilliant with light & sweet with flowers,


She is a beautiful creature, whom I always connect in my mind with some very beautiful Greek statues.


…the satisfaction of knowing something secret.


…and I don’t like your question, please go away, because I miss the silence.


…but beautiful places are often melancholy and very lonely.


So soft, so melancholy, so wild,


It has secretly craved such beauty. You don’t know, till you satisfy it, how much it has craved.
