
Contemplation not only enlarges the objects of our thoughts, but also the objects of our actions and our affections: it makes


What is heard, reflected upon, or cultivated in meditation, like water in a leaky jar, does not stay in the memory of a


"Be truthful, and the result is bound to be amazingly interesting." — Virginia Woolf...

Whatever it is, let it go....

Let go of judgment. Let go of comparison. Observe what is....

Stop, breathe, and grasp at nothing. Even if it’s just for a minute....

“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.” ― Rumi...

Balance comes from holding opposing forces at the same time. You cannot isolate good from bad, happy from sad, ...

It's tempting to try to sort the world, to put people, places and ideas into little convenient boxes. But the truth cannot ...

Being overly critical ultimately just works against you. Balance criticism with appreciation....

Quand'ero turbato da grandi preoccupazioni, il tuo conforto ha alleviato l'anima mia.

_Salmi 94:19_

Most nuisances can only bother you as much as you let them. Choose wisely what you devote your energy to....