#lord moreau

imagine ranting to your friend about your current obsession only for them to go “???” because your the only person they ...

Watch "Resident Evil 8 Village as vines" on YouTube...

i’ve looked for this for a bit and haven’t found the answer so i figured i’d ask here; where are heisenberg and lady d’s cadou?......

Alright so I may get around to this but I totally wouldn’t be upset if someone else decided to draw all the lords having a ...

cast reunion!...

Ok, ok but hear me out the four Lord's but, chibi I unfortunately cannot make my dreams come true because I suck at drawing...

The four lords raising trans rose 🏳️‍⚧️...

Reasons the re8 lords would love you...

We Are Number One but it's the 4 Lords trying to catch Ethan...