
Every moment should be lived by feeling the love because if we try to interpret and understand it, the magic disappears.


Years ago, a wise friend told me that no one ever changes until the pain level gets high enough.


Jealousy is natural in all human beings but you have to control it, because if you do not control it, it will definitely


I’m tired, can’t think of anything and want only to lay my face in your lap, feel your hand on my head and remain like


If you think just because it’s boring and repetitive, I’ll stop, you’re mistaken.


To philosophise with open eyes is to philosophise in the dark. Only the blind can look straight at the sun.


It’s the silence that kills you. The things that aren’t said.


I should start at the beginning, I know that. But the trouble is that I don’t know the beginning. I wish I did.


Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?


Words are only sounds, they can be sweet for someone or bitter depending upon what meaning we give them.


Of course you are. You don’t know it yet, Juliette, but you are a very bad girl,” he says, clutching his heart. “Just my type.


Slowing down is not always easy, but there are many gems to be found at a gentler pace.


I wondered at what age you stopped caring what other people thought about you and just spoke your mind.


Normal was such a fragile thing, so easily upset by even good intentions.


In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.


that old question which has become known as the Mozart dilemma: is life beautiful, but sad; or sad, but beautiful?


No one should be ashamed at changing his mind - that’s what the mind is for.


I’m terrified of what it would feel like if you weren’t in my life anymore.


I love you and I am content without you. Even so, come quickly!


Whenever you doubt, doubt the negatives. Whenever you don’t doubt, don’t doubt the positives.


Silence does not improve the world.


It did that kind of feeling where… you know you’re in a time of your life you’ll remember forever.


Only the heart can see what the eyes cannot see.


When you love, especially with all your heart, it comes upon you so fast, you don’t have time to resist.
