#Frantz Fanon

Decolonization implies the urgent need to thoroughly challenge the colonial situation. Its definition can, if we want


Every time a man has brought victory to the dignity of the spirit, every time a man has said no to an attempt to enslave


The unemployed and the starving do not lay claim to truth. They do not say they represent the truth because they are the


Fighting for the freedom of one’s people is not the only necessity. As long as the fight goes on you must enlighten not only


The basic confrontation which seemed to be colonialism versus anti-colonialism, indeed capitalism versus socialism, is


We will not accept aid for the underdeveloped countries as “charity.” Such aid must be considered the final stage of a


No attempt must be made to encase man, for it is his destiny to be set free.


We must not cultivate the spirit of the exceptional or look for the hero, another form of leader. We must elevate the people,...


The colonized can see right away if decolonization is taking place or not: The minimum demand is that the last become the first.


I’m not the bearer of absolute truths. No fundamental inspiration has flashed across my mind. I honestly think, however, it’


Superiority? Inferiority? Why not simply try to touch the other, feel the other, discover each other? … At the end of this


To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture.
