Bennett, Fischl, and Razor headcanons

Bennett, Fischl, and Razor headcanons

I’ve been thinking about these headcanons for days now and so I am presenting them to you all

  • they’re basically like middle school kids hanging out after class
  • Fischl doesn’t have any actual friends and she acts embarrassed to be playing “boy games” with boys, but really Bennett and Razor are her best friends
  • they LOVE playing pretend games
  • their favorite pretend game is playing as the Knights of Favonious: Bennett pretends he’s Captain Kaeya, Fischl pretends she’s Jean because she wants to be in charge, and Razor plays Lisa, because he looks up to her
  • sometimes Klee joins in
  • they always try telling her she’s too little to play with them, but either Jean or Kaeya ask them to involve her
  • Fischl sometimes makes really bad cookies and brings them for snacks
  • sometimes Fischl organizes snack time into a tea party and tries to teach the boys “proper etiquette”
  • one rainy day the boys found Fischl playing with dolls and she was really embarrassed about it
  • Bennett found Fischl’s dolls really cool and they sometimes just play with them at Fischl’s place
  • Razor struggles to communicate sometimes, so it’s easier to use dolls to show
  • Eventually Fischl made him his own doll to help that
  • Razor knows ALL the animal and nature facts and is always excited to share when they’re outside
  • Bennett’s dolls always end up missing, so he sometimes just uses a popsicle stick with a smiley face on it