All the ladies are into lumine and all the dudes are into aether in my au, I'm calling it the double haram au and I'm going

All the ladies are into lumine and all the dudes are into aether in my au, I’m calling it the double haram au and I’m going to go in on hc’s for it

All of them flirt Really Weird. Every. Single. Person. Even and especially lumine and aether

Noelle keeps trying to do good knight things so she can have a sword lesbians moment and she is by far the most normal

Kaeya thinks lying on his resume is a date

Venti is just trying a mix of outdated courting methods and crimes

Xiangling keeps trying to feed lumine test dishes, which would be great if they didn’t come with a 30% chance of being poison because she’s testing out new ingredients

The twins can’t figure out which one childe is even trying to seduce or if hes just trying to blend in but it’s sure odd
