Jean:Alright everyone! Patrolling during Windblume is very important! We must remain focused. Lisa:I heard Diluc is making

Jean:Alright everyone! Patrolling during Windblume is very important! We must remain focused.

Lisa:I heard Diluc is making a Windblume at the tavern.

Jean:…..I don’t see how that’s relevant information. Now then, let’s split the city up into zones. Since taverns are mainly adult spots, it only makes sense to send someone who can legally drink and mature enough to that zone.

Kaeya:I vol-

Jean:It appears I have no choice but to patrol the tavern zone.

Lisa:From the inside or out?

Jean:You’re on thin ice Lisa! Now Amber-

Amber:*day dreaming*…..


Amber:Huh!? Oh umm….what?

Kaeya:Someone is less attentive than usual. Up late practicing for the gliding contest.

Amber:Not exactly. I….well….you see…..

Lisa:Ooooo. *smirking*

Amber:*red* W-What!?

Lisa:Don’t play dumb. It’s written all over your face. Did our outrider receive a windblume?


Kaeya:Oh ho ho….interesting. I bet I can make a guess from who.

Amber:Hey! Nobody likes a tease Kaeya. Anyways, Jean, is it possible I might…take the day off?


Amber:It’s short notice, but…..I really need to finish my windblume! Please!?


Kaeya:Come on Jean. The girl is as red as her bow. Let our little outrider enjoy young love a little.

Jean:I know, it’s just we’re so busy….

Lisa:Sigh….fine, what if I work a double?


Lisa:What? I can work when I want to. I’ll cover whatever Amber had to do. If it’s in the name of love then I’m practically obligated to be invested.

Amber:Really!? Thank you so much! That’s okay right.

Jean:Well, since Lisa offered to cover-

Amber:Yes! I promise to make this up to you Lisa.

Lisa:Just tell cutie I said Happy Windblume. Aether deserves to have a good first experience.

Amber:*red* I never said it was-

JLK:Who else would it be!?

Amber:……*runs off*

Kaeya:Oh to be young.

Jean:We’re not that much older, but I do say Amber still has that gitty feeling when it comes to romance like most her age. I guess that’s the difference several years make.

Lisa:The Windblume Diluc is making is from dandelions.

Jean:Meeting over! Let’s get to patrolling! *briskly walks out office*

Lisa:*looks out window*

Jean and Amber:*sprinting*

Kaeya:She’s gonna be really sad if he isn’t making her one.

Lisa:Please tell me he actually is?

Kaeya:Oh it’s already done and waiting. I’m just saying.

Lisa:Oh thank goodness! I was about to feel horrible.
