Klee: That’s strange, Razor usually comes out if Klee calls him. Sucrose: I’m sorry, We’ve searched the Wolvendom

Klee: That’s strange, Razor usually comes out if Klee calls him.

Sucrose: I’m sorry, Klee… We’ve searched the Wolvendom woods for hours … but there’s no sign of him anywhere.

Diona: Will he show up later? I’m getting tired.

Noelle: I’m pretty sure we’ll find him. Did you have any luck Mr. Zhongli? (sees over her back and doesn’t find anyone). Mr. Zhongli?

Sucrose: W-where did he go?

Noelle: We need to go back, maybe he got lost?

The girls then found Zhongli in the middle of the Wolvendom, currently facing a giant wolf.

Klee: Mr. Zhongli! (gets down to the circle area and immediately goes after Zhongli)

Diona: (runs after Klee, followed by Sucrose and Noelle) Klee, be careful!

Klee: (pulls the end of Zhongli’s coat) Mr. Zhongli, come back! Master Jean had told me not to go to this place. It’s dangerous!

Zhongli: (turns back realizing Klee had pulled the end of his coat) Ah, girls, forgive me for worrying you. I was just having a conversation with my acquaintance.

Sucrose: Yo-your acquaintance… is the… Lupus Boreas?

Noelle: The Wolf-King of the North…?

Zhongli: Hmm yes, I’d figured if Klee’s friend was raised by wolves, the Dominator of Wolves surely would know his whereabouts.

Andrius: (snorts) Tell your little followers to leave this place.

Zhongli: (nods, turns to the girls) It appears he only wants to talk to me. I suggest all of you wait at the edge of the forest.

Klee and Diona: (pulls each of Zhongli’s hands, refuse to let go)

Zhongli: (smiles warmly, pulls his hands away gently to pat each of their heads). Don’t worry. He wouldn’t hurt me.

Sucrose: If…if you say so.

Noelle: Please return safely, Mr. Zhongli. (coaxes Klee and Diona to leave the area).

Zhongli: I will, I promise. (turns to Andrius) It’s not like Andrius can harm me.


Liyue’s Serial Adopter: full posts series

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