“But who, I wonder, will be the one to take my place? I believe the age of archons and adepti may very well be coming to an

“But who, I wonder, will be the one to take my place? I believe the age of archons and adepti may very well be coming to an end for Liyue, but if there ever comes another sooner than expected…”

A hand at his chin and a thoughtful hum in his throat, he ponders this matter. Much like the pot of bamboo shoot stew on the stove, he allows the thoughts to simmer.

“The only kind fit to be my successor would be someone practical. Responsible. A being gifted with foresight and an eye for detail. Yes, someone with a grand vision for the future and its people, a sharp mind capable of receiving my wisdom and guidance.”

He brings to mind all current Vision holders of Geo, taking the time to assess and carefully consider each one before moving on to the next. This deliberation continues until, at last, the pensive musings of a dragon given mortal form happen upon a boy with gentle blue eyes, sitting at the base of a tree with a sketchbook in hand.

He is the young genius of Mondstadt, an indisputable rising star. Despite his youth, he is already the illustrious teacher of two and the pride of the Favonius Knights, hailed and beloved by all. He has breathed life into the dying art of alchemy and made rapid discoveries in his field. Without question, he is accomplished, incredible, and intelligent. Perfection given human form.

Yet a terrible power dwells within him as well, a product of his odd, unnatural existence. His very being defies the laws of Teyvat, the forbidden nature of his birth necessitating the chains of his caged soul. Such is the suffering of the so-called prince of chalk. It is the struggle of one who cannot call himself human and must contain that which he cannot control, that which he did not ask for.

At his core, the alchemist is merely a boy. A lonely, empty boy.

Pity grips his heart. This retired archon knows the child’s pain far too well.

“Someone much like…”
