Sketch help

Sketch help

Sucrose:*opens door* Mr. Albedo? Are you here?

Empty lab room

Sucrose:(Sigh, where could be? I wish he’d keep up us informed whenever he decides to venture of.) Hmm? *grabs note book*

Sucrose:*flipping through pages*(He left this? That means he couldn’t have gone too far. His drawings are so detailed, vivid even. I wish I had an inkling of this kind of-)

She flips to a page of extremely well drawn and boarder line photorealistic sketches of her thighs.

Sucrose:*completely red* What the-

Albedo:*opens door* Oh, Sucrose. Wasn’t expecting a drop by. Have you come to me with a breakthrough of some-…….


Albedo:I’ve seen you stumbled upon sketches. What do you think?

Sucrose:I…I…these are…why-

Albedo:Hehehe, you seem flustered? Though I can imagine why. *grabs notebook* I wanted to improve my skills of drawing human anatomy, a rather difficult endeavor. Finding a good place to start is challenging, so is going off of a person by memory. I’ve tried watching the citizens but they pass by and move too often before I can really start. You on the other hand, I see you often. Not to mention you’re known to be performing experiments in one location for hours.

Sucrose:So…you have sketching my legs for anatomy practice?

Albedo:My first sketches were rather crude. The more I drew however, the more subtle things I noticed. Like the impression your socks make against your thighs.

Sucrose:*flustered* Why are you looking so intensely!? How long have you been doing this?

Albedo:Not terribly long. I’m detailed because it’s the only way to improve. I’ll admit that I did want to ask for permission first, but I positive you’d have a reaction similar to this. That and knowing that I might be sketching you would cause you to move unnaturally.

Sucrose:I…I see. Are my legs…the only thing you’ve sketched?

Albedo:Yes, I wanted a good foundation before moving onto things like hips, hands, torso, che-

Sucrose:*might actually die from this*…..

Albedo:Would you like me to stop drawing you? I figured this might make you a little more…reserved than usual.

Sucrose:It’s just a lot to take in. Like…a lot. I do feel honored though, in a way.

Albedo:Does this mean I have your permission to continue.

Sucrose:Y-Yes. Just please, tell me you move on to draw other features of mine. Maybe I could help and you can….do a full portrait *covers face* you know, like a model?

Albedo:Hmmm, that’s a good idea. It would definitely speed things along like hair and face. Thank you Sucrose. I’ll take you up on that offer. Now, was there something you wanted to discuss?

Sucrose:Actually, it can wait. I gotta….check on my flowers. *leaves flustered*

Albedo:Very well, I’ll be here. *puts notebook down*


Albedo:*lays head on desk* (THANK THE GODS, SHE BELIEVED ME!!!)
