Anon asked: Hi! I was wondering if I could request a headcanon of Scaramouche having an s/o who is just the fluffiest,

Anon asked:
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a headcanon of Scaramouche having an s/o who is just the fluffiest, most lovable ball of sunshine? They’re not necessarily loud and obnoxious, but rather shy and just, yeah, makes people want to protect them. Like, it’s just impossible to hate them no matter what. How would the Fatui and the other characters react to this?

Various characters reacting to Scaramouche having a loveable S/O:


  • In shock
  • Also… lowkey traumatised? Maybe? 
  • “Are we talking about the same person??? HUH?????” 
  • Probably hides behind you when Scara is angry at him, because he knows that Scaramouche will not hurt you
  • Childe likes having you around, because then he’s seeing a side of the 6th Harbinger he didn’t think he’d see

Signora (I know we’re not supposed to do favourites but eW SIGNORA)

  • (first of all ew)
  • Probably thinks you distract Scara at first
  • But no one can escape that loveable charm of yours
  • … She ends up telling you Scaramouche’s favourite foods and stuff and then whistles innocently when she sees him stomping around flustered
  • Though she probably taunts him at first  